Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Sambutan Penilaian Lorong Sumber PPDa Kebangsaan 2011 di SMK Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Chenor

Kawad Kaki Antidadah

Silat antidadah

Pelajar-pelajar turut menyambut

Banting PPDa hasilan pelajar tergantung menarik.

Melepaskan burung sebagai simbolik kebebasan daripada dadah

Duta PPDa (pelajar) memberi penerangan

Penilaian bermula

Encik Loh tertarik dengan Piala Johan lorong PPDa Pahang.

Penilaian akhir.

Khamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Kem Sayangi Diri Elak Dadah Selamanya (SHIELDS) Negeri Pahang 2011

Program ini diadakan di Hutan Lipur Gunung Senyum bermula 18 hingga 21 Oktober 2011 melibatkan 40 orang pelajar dari sekolah-sekolah negeri Pahang. Program ini adalah lanjutan SHIELDS daerah yang telah dilaksanakan sebelum ini. Pihak AADK selaku penganjur dan pengelola telah memilih Hutan Lipur Gunung Senyum dan ianya adalah lanjutan daripada Kem SHIELDS sebelum ini. Gunung Senyum terpilih sebagai kem SHIELDS Pahang 2011 setelah menilai program SHIELDS Daerah Maran yang berjaya memberi kesan kepada para peserta.

     Modul yang digunakan adalah bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran dan bimbingan kepada para pelajar agar tidak terjebak daripada najis dadah. Turut sama dalam program ini 3 orang guru sebagai Fasilitator bersama AADK negeri Pahang.

Isnin, 10 Oktober 2011

Lawatan Peningkatan Kualiti PPDa SMK Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Chenor

Melawat Lorong Sumber PPDa SMKTAA, Johan Negeri Pahang 2010

Bersama Pengetua SMKTAA, Kaunselor SM Teknik Pertanian dan Guru SMA Chenor

Beramah mesra dengan Pegawas PPDa SMKTAA

Bersoal-jawab berkenaan PPDa

Membantu Jawatankuasa Penerbitan Buletin dan Blog PPDa SMKTAA

Mesyuarat Persediaan Pertandingan Bilik/Lorong PPDa Kebangsaan 2011 (Wakil Pahang)

Guru PPDa SJKC Karak sedang memberi penerangan

Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan di PKG Karak. Dihadiri oleh Ketua Unit PPDa JPNP, Encik Abdullah Sani dan Penolong Pengarah Unit PPDa JPNP, Encik Wan Mohd Afzan. Turut hadir rombongan dari empat buah sekolah wakil negeri Pahang dalam Pertandingan Bilik/Lorong PPDa 2011 iaitu;

1. SMK Bukit Tinggi, Bentong
2. SMK Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Maran
3. SJKC Karak, Bentong
4. SK Karak, Bentong.
Tahniah kerana semua kategori, Pahang antara 5 terbaik. Semoga usaha keras semua pihak membuahkan hasil yang membanggakan.

Cikgu Kamaliah dari SMK TAA Maran, sedang memberikan taklimat

Selasa, 4 Oktober 2011

Rokok oh rokok

Walaupun penggunaan tembakau di negara maju sudah berkurangan, keadaan sebaliknya berlaku di negara membangun. Contohnya Malaysia, apabila Statistik menunjukkan ketagihan merokok di kalangan rakyatnya yang berumur 15 tahun ke atas terus meningkat daripada 21% pada 1985 kepada 31% pada tahun 2000.
    Perasatuan Perubatan Malaysia dalam kenyataannya, Action on smoking and Health melaporkan terdapat kira-kira 3.5 juta perokok di negara ini. Separuh daripada mereka menghisap rokok hampir 10 batang sehari.
     Laporan ini juga menganggarkan bahawa rakyat Malaysia membelanjakan RM15 juta sehari untuk rokok dan dalam masa setahun, mencecah sehingga RM6 bilion. Selain memberi kesan kepada kesihatan perokok, tabiat meroko juga boleh memberi kesan negatif kepada generasi akan datang.

(sumber : Buku Haramkah Rokok? Hukum dan Penyelesaian karangan Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri)

Why Should I Quit Smoking?

If you are contemplating why should I quit smoking, here is the answer. Know the dangers of smoking and its long-term effects on your health. It will definitely make you think you twice before you light up the next fag! Don’t live in denial. Read on to know if this question is riddling your mind – why should I quit smoking?

Dangers of Smoking
• This habit can cause around 400,000 deaths in the US alone every year.
• This habit is known as a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Smoking is responsible for nearly one quarter of all cardiovascular-related deaths in the United States.
• This habit increases our risk of having a heart attack by 2-6 times. The risk increases with the number of fags you smoke.
• If you have a heart attack and are an active smoker, then you are most likely to die from the condition or die suddenly when compared with a nonsmoker.

Adverse Effects of Smoking on Your Heart
Smoking cigarettes harms your heart as well as the blood vessels in various ways. These include:
• Smoking raises blood pressure: Every time you take a puff, your blood pressure increases for some time. Even if it does not cause chronic high blood pressure, it may aggravate your condition if you have high blood pressure. If you quit smoking, you will surely not experience any short-term changes in the blood pressure which take place when you smoke.
• Smoking changes blood fats by decreasing HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol): Smoking can change the blood fats and decrease the HDL cholesterol. For example, right after you quit smoking, the HDL levels can rise to 6-8 mg/dL. Within a year after quitting, the HDL level can easily return to normal and healthier level.
• Smoking damages the blood vessels lining, making them more susceptible to plaque buildup: This deadly habit enhances the buildup of plaque in your arteries which supply blood to the heart. These arteries are known as coronary arteries.
• Smoking makes the coronary arteries plaque unstable: If the plaques are less stable, then these are more prone to crack. If these crack, then it can result in a heart attack.
• Smoking minimizes oxygen to the heart: Carbon monoxide in the cigarette smoke reduces the blood’s capacity to effectively carry oxygen. Hence, when you smoke cigarettes, you heart as well as the rest of the organs has less oxygen.
• Smoking increases blood clots risk: How is it a risk factor? Well, there are three reasons. First and foremost, the nicotine content in fags stop the release of a natural blood thinner which prevents clotting. Secondly, active smokers tend to have higher levels of blood clotting agent fibrinogen. Lastly, the blood platelets are stickier and cluster together in active smokers. In consequence, a smoker’s bloodstream is thicker and hence, clots more easily and can lead to a heart attack.
• Smoking can cause an abnormal heart rhythm: This deadly habit severely affects that part of your brain which is responsible for regulating your heart rate. This can obstruct the electrical activity in your heart. This results in abnormal heart rhythm known as arrhythmias. This condition can be serious occasionally, and can even turn life threatening.

Smoking and Other Health Problems
This dangerous activity can cause several other health problems. These include:
• Pregnancy complications such as premature delivery, stillbirth and miscarriage. Additionally, infants of mothers who smoked during their term are susceptible to sudden infant death syndrome.
• Stroke
• Chronic lung disease like emphysema and bronchitis
• Cervical cancer
• Pancreatic cancer
• Kidney cancer
• Cancer of the urinary tract
• Cancer of the esophagus
• Cancer of the vocal cords
• Mouth cancer
• Lung cancer

Now, if you are still thinking “why should I quit smoking”, then nobody can save you from the dangers of smoking! Wake up and quit smoking now. Why do you want to compromise your life? Stay away from smoking and ensure a healthy, long life

Isnin, 26 September 2011

Keputusan Pertandingan Bilik/Lorong Sumber PPDa Daerah Maran 2011

Keputusan Pertandingan Bilik/ Lorong Sumber PPDa Daerah Maran 2011

Bilik Sumber PPDa
Sekolah Menengah : SMK Seri Jengka
Sekolah Rendah     : SK Bandar Pusat

Sudut/Lorong Sumber PPDa
Sekolah Menengah : SMK Maran
Sekolah Rendah     : SK LKTP Jengka 5

Pemenang layak untuk bertanding ke Peringkat Negeri Pahang 2011 yang dijangka dinilai pada bulan November 2011